A person standing on the side of a road.


Your voice is heard.

Independent Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocate

The IDSVA Service works with high risk survivors of domestic and sexual abuse.

The Role of the IDSVA

To provide independent support and advocacy to high-risk victim survivors.

The IDSVA service supports anyone aged 16 and above who is a survivor of domestic abuse and has been assessed as high risk (GOLD).

IDSVA's offer independent specialist support around risk assessment, safety planning options and signposting to external support services as needed. IDSVA's attend the Knowsley MARAC to represent the survivor ensuring the voice of the victim survivor is heard and advocate on their behalf. MARAC is a multi agency risk assessment conference which is held to discuss the high risk cases to address the immediate safeguarding concerns, identify risk, review safety plans and create an action plan.  

IDSVA’s provide victim survivors with information about their options for support. This is tailored to their individual situation based on risk assessments completed with the survivor to create safety plans. Safety planning can be anything from advice and guidance, safety at home options, seeking refuge, working alongside partner agencies to ensure an effective multi-agency response for victim survivors.

IDSVA’s can provide information and support around criminal and family court processes, housing needs, safeguarding, emotional support, and education on domestic abuse.

The IDSVA role is a short-term intervention to reduce the immediate risk posed to the victim survivor. The IDSVA will then look to refer the victim survivor to longer term support if needed such as The First Step Community Project.

How to contact the IDSVA team: Call us 0151 458 8942 or email us at IDSVA@thefirststep.org.uk

Referral Criteria

Any survivors assessed as high risk and referred to MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) will also be referred to the IDSVA service via the Knowsley MARAC process.

There are three reasons why someone would be referred to MARAC:

1. A high risk score of 72 or more on the MeRIT (Merseyside Risk Indicator Toolkit)

2. Escalation in frequency or severity of abuse/violence

3. Professional Judgement

"I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, thank you so much, you don't realise how much you've done for me."

MARAC & How to refer

Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference

MARAC is a multi agency risk assessment conference which is held to discuss high risk cases and address immediate safeguarding concerns.

MARAC is a meeting that is made up of professionals from different agencies such as IDSVA, Police, Social Care, Housing, Health, Drug and Alcohol Services, Probation and various other statutory and non-statutory services.

At MARAC the referring agency gives an overview of the case they have referred, including the identified abuse and risk factors, and provide an update on safeguarding actions taken by their agency. All other agencies in attendance then share information from within their agency that is relevant to the meeting.

The IDSVA role at MARAC is to represent the victim survivor, ensure their voice is heard and advocate on their behalf within that process. The IDSVA will provide an update on support offered, any additional risks identified and summarise the safety plan agreed with the survivor.

All agencies review the collective safety plan for the victim survivor and any children, and agree any actions that have been identified through the meeting. The IDSVA will update the victim survivor following the meeting.

Knowsley MARAC is held fortnightly and is currently a virtual meeting with an in person meeting once a quarter.

The IDSVA Service does not co-ordinate the MARAC or the process of referring into IDSVA. All MARAC referrals must be sent to the MARAC Co-Ordinators at The Safety Communities Team, Knowsley Borough Council.

A group of people sitting around each other.

MARAC referrals and queries can be sent to:

or via secure email:

We are here to help you take the first step.

Are You Unsure If You’re Being Abused?

Are you concerned that you or someone you love is being abused?

We’re Here to Help You Take the First Step

Reach out today and we will be here to support you every step of the way.

Are you ready to take your first step to freedom?

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How should we contact you? Please choose the SAFEST option
By 'safest option' we mean, we can contact you without running the possibility of your abuser finding out. If you are at risk, you can call us when your able to do so. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS ENQUIRIES FORM FOR SOLICITING.

Safest time to contact you

Please note, our offices are only open between 9am and 5pm.
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